Source code for stringutils


    A functional string utility library for Python.

    :copyright: (c) 2018 Alex Hunt.
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE.txt for more details.

__version__ = '0.3.0'

import re

[docs]def camel_case(string): """ Convert a string identifier to :code:`camelCase`. """ return lcfirst(pascal_case(string))
[docs]def concat(strings): """ Concatenate a list of strings into a single string. """ return ''.join(strings)
[docs]def contains(string, matches): """ Determine if a string contains any of the given values. *matches* may be a single string, or a list of strings. """ return any([m in string for m in ([matches] if isinstance(matches, str) else matches)])
[docs]def contains_all(string, matches): """ Determine if a string contains all of the given values. """ return all([m in string for m in matches])
[docs]def dashed_case(string): """ Convert a string identifier to :code:`dashed-case`. If the string is in :code:`snake_case`, capitalization of words will be preserved. """ return join(split_identifier(string), '-')
[docs]def is_whitespace(string): """ Determine if a string contains only whitespace characters or is empty. """ return string.strip() == ''
[docs]def join(strings, sep=', ', insertend=False): """ Concatenate a list of strings into a single string by a separating delimiter. If *insertend* is given and true, the delimiter is also included at the end of the string. """ return sep.join(strings) + (sep if insertend else '')
[docs]def lines(string, keepends=False): """ Split a string into a list of strings at newline characters. Unless *keepends* is given and true, the resulting strings do not have newlines included. """ return string.splitlines(keepends)
[docs]def lcfirst(string): """ Convert the first character of a string to lowercase. """ return string[:1].lower() + string[1:]
[docs]def pascal_case(string): """ Convert a string identifier to :code:`PascalCase`. """ return concat(map(ucfirst, split_identifier(string)))
[docs]def reverse(string): """ Reverse the order of the characters in a string. """ return string[::-1]
[docs]def snake_case(string): """ Convert a string identifier to :code:`snake_case`. If the string is in :code:`dashed-case`, capitalization of words will be preserved. """ return join(split_identifier(string), '_')
[docs]def split_identifier(string): """ Split a string identifier into a list of its subparts. """ return ( re.split('[ \-_]', string) if re.findall('[ \-_]', string) else words(re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z0-9])', r'\1 \2', string)) )
[docs]def title_case(string): """ Convert a string identifier to :code:`Title Case`. """ return join(map(ucfirst, split_identifier(string)), ' ')
[docs]def words(string): """ Split a string into a list of words, which were delimited by one or more whitespace characters. """ return re.split('\s+', string)
[docs]def ucfirst(string): """ Convert the first character of a string to uppercase. """ return string[:1].upper() + string[1:]
[docs]def unlines(lines, newline='\n'): """ Join a list of lines into a single string after appending a terminating newline character to each. """ return join(lines, newline, True)
[docs]def unwords(words): """ Join a list of words into a single string with separating spaces. """ return join(words, ' ')